Things that are negatively affecting our families at home, in school, and in the public square are a direct result of how our nation has fallen away from God, little by little. There are some excellent resources available to help us gather together and pray for our nation to be restored.
“Today, as much as at any time in our nation’s history, America needs an outpouring of God’s grace. We truly need a “grace awakening!” In the classic poem America the Beautiful by Katharine Lee Bates, one phrase in particular stands out. It is actually a prayer: “America, America, God shed His grace on thee!” This guide is to help you expand on that prayer over 40 days by praying God’s grace over your neighborhoods, your community and our nation. This special edition is particularly designed to be used during 40 days of fasting and prayer for our nation. It is a season of speaking grace over our nation!”
This shouldn’t be limited to only presidential elections. Pray fervently for the Lord to bless those who will listen to His Word to be elected into National, State & Local positions.
This guide can be found at
Grace for America © 2016 by Dick Eastman, International President, Every Home for Christ ( and is reprinted by permission of the author and Every Home for Christ International.